Lead Your Team to Success Working Remotely
Many companies in the equipment industry have had to transition to remote work in response to the coronavirus outbreak. As a leader you have the challenging job of supporting your team through these uncertain times while keeping engagement and morale high. Here are some tips to lead your team to success working remotely.
Don’t Rewrite the Playbook
Although there are differences between working from home and working on-site, the switch to remote work doesn’t necessitate drastic changes in processes or routines. Your employees already have strategies that work for them, so encourage them to continue to do the same basic tasks and routines they would do at the office at home. Everyone should attempt to keep the same schedule that they are used to and rely on the same behaviors, if possible. At the same time, you have to allow for flexibility because these are unprecedented times and everyone’s home situation is different.
Identify Priorities
The main thing that makes working from home difficult during a quarantine is that employees are going to have more distractions and responsibilities than they would if they were working from home under better circumstances. For this reason, it is essential that leaders identify and communicate priorities. Your team won’t be able to maintain the same workload as before, so you have to have your employees focus on the projects that are the most important. They won’t be productive if they waste time doing nonessential tasks.
Give Your Team Autonomy
You have to keep your expectations realistic. Your team won’t be able to all work at the same time. Employees are juggling family life and professional responsibilities, so they won’t be able to stick to a strict 9 to 5 schedule. Give your team control over when they work, so they can best optimize their time. But you do want to encourage communication. Make sure team members communicate when they are working and when they aren’t.
Focus on Increasing Productivity
One benefit of working from home has is that employees have more control over their work environment. This allows them to take action to improve their productivity they wouldn’t necessarily be able to do at the office, such as cooking a nutrient-rich meal, taking a walk to clear their heads, or meditating. You can also encourage employees to design workstations that have an ambience that promotes focus and relaxation.
Even though the current healthcare crisis poses problems for businesses, communities, and the country as a whole, businesses can make the most of a difficult situation. Take the lead and give your employees the support they need to be productive as they adjust to working from home.
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